Welcome! This is my new website. I'm sure it's clear that I'm taking steps to move from functioning in the art world as just a model. I've got some collage posted here, and a couple cartoons I would love to flesh out. I am also in the process of applying to a couple grad programs in the Arts Admin sector of things, which is exciting.
I'm also sure it's clear that I've been straying away from life-experience based posts related to modeling, and that I haven't been posting very often. The result of the first trend and the explanation for the second are one in the same. Directly after graduating college some of my friends and I started an online magazine, which petered out as we realized what it meant to not be in college, and how we didn't have as much time to discuss the feminist ramifications of Lifetime Movies in depth. However, I ran into most of these friends at a wedding I attended in March and was reminded of how smart, capable and thoughtful they all were.
We may not be GREAT at holding newlyweds on our laps, but we're hoping that wont come up...
I proposed re-starting the magazine and was happy to receive an enthusiastic response. Yet I made this proposal by offering to serve as organizer/editor/deadline reminder-er. It's both taken a lot of the time I would be devoting to this blog and provided me a platform for some strict art criticism/art history I might otherwise post here.
My transition from Degas to Matisse in the eyes of artists will feature here.
Seated Nude with Back Turned, 1917.
That is not to say I am done with this blog, because I have some interviews to transcribe and some trips planned that should deserve some travel-blogging. It is to suggest and encourage anyone to check out Revels Magazine, because the contributors are excellent writers with interesting points of view and varied interests. Our mission is to explore the best of all aspects of culture with an analytical yet positive lens, and we'd love to have you along.
FINALLY, my most public Revels face is a column/theme I call ARTicles, where people can email or use comments to propose a work of art for me to look into and explain. It's fun for me, and if anyone has anything they'd like to have me write about, please let me know!